5 - Vpopmail |
Vpopmail is one of the major components of this installation. Vpopmail allows us to do virtual domain mail hosting. It's got a lot of built in tools and features that make it a dream to work with. Even if you don't want to host mail for multiple domains, I would still recommend installing Vpopmail. It just makes the whole mail game easier. Plus, my installation centers around it, so if you don't install it you're going to have a headache. So let's install it... cd /downloads/qmailrocks tar zxvf vpopmail-5.4.9.tar.gz cd vpopmail-5.4.9
Now let's configure vpopmail... ./configure --enable-logging=p make && make install-strip If you don't get any errors, then Vpopmail is good to go!
So now let's go on to part 6... |
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